Ubication: Falcón State
* Location
In the
Municipality of Unión, Federación District, 15 km.
from the village of Santa Cruz de Bucaral.
* How to get there
The park is
located in a remote place, far from the main roads of
Western Venezuela. Take the road that links Barquisimeto
with Coro, and then the one that leads to El Charal and
La Taza. The access to the cave is through a dirt road
which is not easy with any type of vehicle.
* Characteristics
The main
feature of the park is the landscape, characterized by a
very uneven relief, with an enormous fault which divides
the mountain in two. There is a natural bridge at the
summit, called Puente de Piedra, where the Elda Sierra
is, as well as two large craters or chasms, Hernández
and Antonio José López. The highlight here is the
Cueva de la Quebrada del Toro, 2,000 m. long, the most
important one in Falcón state and Western Venezuela,
and the fifth largest in the country. It is also called
Cueva De Bellard, in honor of its discoverer, the
Venezuelan speleologist Eugenio de Bellard. This
subterranean structure is formed by a main gallery,
similar to an immense corridor, perforated by three
craters. It is crossed by a torrential subterranean
river, parts of which can be navigated in inflatable
boats, and where 200 m. lagoons form.
* Vegetation
There are no
complete studies of the physical environment or the
natural resources of the park; hence, there is no basic
information available on important aspects of vegetation
and wildlife.
* Fauna
The dominant
animal species here is the oilbird, which cohabits with
insects and arachnids inside the cave. The oilbird is
one that prefers to live in the darkness of deep
crevices and caverns. It only leaves them at sundown
until dawn, when it flies in search of food in
palms and trees. They are the only nocturnal birds which
feed on fruit and they always fly in groups. They
constantly emit sharp sounds which helps them to guide
their flight.
* Recomendations
A special permit
is required to spend the night and conduct research in
the park. Contact INPARQUES. If going into the cave,
please do not direct the light towards the top of the
cave where the oilbirds are, so as not to alter their
habitat because they get blinded and can knock into
things when they lose their sense of orientation.
* Facilities
None. The
closest place to spend the night is in the village of
Santa Cruz de Bucaral or in Churuguara, 38 km. away.
range between 18° C. and 24° C. It is cooler inside
the cave.
8.500 ha.
* Information
Tlf. (068) 78.582. Fax 78.451 * (02) 285.50.56
*43.60*48.59. Fax 285.30.70.