Popular Artistic Paint
In Venezuela the popular artistic production is active and
effective to the long and wide of the territory, represented in individuals and
creative nuclei that are expressed through the painting, the size in
wood, the sculpture in stone, cement and diverse materials and the one
modeling ceramic or I sweep figureado like Mariano baptized him
Díaz. The better known goods, so much for the antiquity of its
public recognition as for the number of their exponents, they are the
painting and the size. The painting, rich in thematic, chromatism and
formal treatments have passed to occupy a place highlighted in the one
national panorama of the plastic one, and the size has been constituted as one
of our more representative popular expressions.
All the goods of the popular art are inspired by two worlds
that they intersect: the natural one and the socio-cultural, represented this
last for the history (real and fabulada), the magic beliefs and
religious, and the daily life. The natural landscape, the work, the home,
the cult and the festivities, the games, customs and traditions, those
you gestate heroic, the events and characteristic of the environment, as well as the fantasies and the artist's personal restlessness have been environments
favorable for the production of their work. The artist exalts those
marvels of the nature; columnist becomes to register the life
daily of their community, immortalizing desires, daily happiness and
religious parties, and I eat fabulador it offers us their own one
interpretation of the history, the myths and the legends. To all these
fear we should add that of the social critic that in their diverse ones
accusation variants have become a recurrent topic in the
it works of these creators. To the traditional materials they are had
incorporate with a lot of frequency new elements like cloths and
waste materials. All these slopes converge so much in the
the artist's life like in their plastic expression, being that the
our creators' majority, many times they approach in way
simultaneous several topics in oneself work.
These fabuladores of now they paint their fable and they speak to it. They paint for reason of force and destination, because one day was that they were discovered the colors in those
fingers and they were hugged with full rebelliousness to their design of knocking down perspectives, to invent anatomies and to force the ritual thing and the harmonic thing. They paint to risk that is their fabular form, because they were not born for rules neither indulgences.
Mariano Díaz, Fabuladores of the color
The popular painting is the expression of a plurality of styles and
technical of extraordinary wealth that gives bill of the diversity
cultural of our country. The popular painters modify the reality
that it surrounds them and they reinvent it works that are not to take place
easily ubicables inside the artistic currents dominates
For this reason the critics have highlighted that elaborated, complex and
creative of the work of our popular creators. And the ingenious thing
of the color, the forms, the topics, the lines and the execution, as well as their peculiar handling of the space that signa the expressive character and
symbolic of their paintings.
Although the popular artists carry out paintings predominantly
figurative their works are not a tracing or a mere representation of the
reality but rather they assume extreme creative freedoms that with a lot of frequency they are expressed in the apparent disproportion and
distortion in the human ways
As example of the popular complexity of the plastic one we can
to mention the handling of the space, in which you can appreciate big variations and deformations in the dimension relationships, distance,
vicinity, succession, continuity and duration. Everything according to the
devises that has the artist of the things, their affective relationship with them and the significance of what happens in that space.